The eighth series of the British television drama series Waterloo Road began broadcasting on 23 August 2012, and ended on 4 July 2013 on BBC One. It consisted of thirty episodes. The series follows the lives of the faculty and pupils of the eponymous school. While a comprehensive school in all other series, Waterloo Road is a privately funded independent school for the majority of the eighth series. Production also relocated to Greenock, Scotland beginning with this series.
Video Waterloo Road (series 8)
Cast and characters
- Philip Martin Brown as Grantly Budgen; English Teacher, Housemaster
- Jason Done as Tom Clarkson; English Teacher, Deputy Head (until episode 30)
- Chelsee Healey as Janeece Bryant; Secretary Personal Assistant to Michael(until episode 6)
- Tachia Newall as Bolton Smilie; Ex-Pupil (episode 16 only)
- William Rush as Josh Stevenson; Pupil (until episode 7, episode 24)
- George Sampson as Kyle Stack; Pupil (episode 30 only)
- Mark Benton as Daniel Chalk; Maths Teacher (until episode 20)
- Katie McGlynn as Jodie 'Scout' Allen; Pupil (until episode 20)
- Lisa Riley as Tina Allen; Parent (episode 19-20)
- Alec Newman as Michael Byrne; Head Teacher (until episode 28)
- Jaye Jacobs as Sian Diamond; Science Teacher, Deputy Head (until episode 19)
- Naveed Choudhry as Tariq Siddiqui; Pupil (until episode 10)
- John Thomson as Nelson Smith; Parent (episode 12 only)
- Kaya Moore as Phoenix Taylor; Pupil (until episode 12)
- Kane Tomlinson-Weaver as Harley Taylor; Pupil
- Georgia Henshaw as Madi Diamond; Pupil (episode 2 to episode 8)
- Melanie Hill as Maggie Budgen (née Croft); Senior Canteen Assistant, Housemistress
- Heather Peace as Nikki Boston; Head of PRU, Deputy Head (episode 11 onward)
- Daniela Denby-Ashe as Lorraine Donnegan; School Benefactor (until episode 28)
- Alex Norton as Gerard Findlay; Head Teacher of Havelock High (episode 1 to 5)
- Paigey Cakey as Jade Fleming; Pupil (episode 1 to 20)
- Georgie Glen as Audrey McFall; Head of History Teacher (episode 1 onward)
- Laurie Brett as Christine Mulgrew; Head of English Teacher, Head Teacher(episode 1 onward)
- Rebecca Craven as Rhiannon Salt; Pupil (episode 1 onward)
- Benjamin Gur as Angus Hancock; Pupil (episode 1 to 8)
- Shane O'Meara as Connor Mulgrew; Pupil, later Imogen's husband (episode 1 onward)
- Kirstie Steele as Imogen Stewart; Pupil, later Connor's wife (episode 1 onward)
- Marlene Madenge as Lula Tsibi; Pupil (episode 1 onward)
- Ron Donachie as Billy Byrne; Michael's Father (episode 4 to 10)
- Jenny Ryan as Sally Stewart; Parent (episode 4, episode 13, episode 29)
- Adiza Shardow as Liberty Gordon; Pupil (episode 5 to 30)
- Tommy Lawrence Knight as Kevin Chalk (previously Skelton); Pupil (episode 8 onward)
- Victoria Bush as Sonya Donnegan; Personal Assistant to Michael (episode 9 onward)
- Carl Au as Barry Barry; Pupil (episode 11 onward)
- Zöe Lucker as Carol Barry; Parent (episode 11 to 13, 19, 28 to 29)
- Abby Mavers as Dynasty Barry; Pupil (episode 11 onward)
- Brogan Ellis as Kacey Barry; Pupil (episode 11 onward)
- Taylor Rhys as Jack McAllister; Pupil (episode 11 to 30)
- Richie Campbell as Ndale Kayuni; Handyman (episodes 21 to 27)
- Daniela Nardini as Esther Fairclough; Acting Head of Science (episodes 25-28)
- Jody Latham as Stevo Malone; Dynasty's Former Boyfriend (episodes 23-26)
- Shaun Prendergast as Robert Bain; Head of Education (episode 27 to 28)
- Angus Deayton as George Windsor; Modern Foreign Languages Teacher (episode 27 onward)
- Elizabeth Tan as Princess Windsor; George's Wife (episode 29 only)
- Richard Mylan as Simon Lowsley; English Teacher and Deputy Head (episode 29 onward)
Maps Waterloo Road (series 8)
DVD release
The Autumn Term (episodes 1-10) was released on 4 February 2013. The Spring Term (episodes 11-20) was released on 3 June 2013. The Summer Term (episodes 21-30) was released on 7 October 2013. The Complete Series Eight was released on 15 September 2014.
Source of article : Wikipedia